Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Stars Reach Short Story Series, Story 1, Entry 1

In an effort to generate some fun and added interest in the Stars Reach Universe I am going to be doing a series of short story segments or episodes. They will all be short, provide a look into the universe and most will give some ideas for scenarios to play out. So enjoy, feel free to comment and happy gaming!

Story 1, Entry 1



"Casual diplomacy, in the casual way"


     "Have you made your mid-day food selection?" The Koreth waiter asked in a successful attempt to intrude on my thoughts of when my longtime friend would show up and what the meeting might be for.

"Yes, I have, but I'm waiting on some one, I could use a topping off." I replied, giving my half empty glass a shake. The waiter nodded and turned away. Despite the humble restaurant uniform covering most of his body a momentary red discoloration flashed on his normally grey skinned neck, just above the collar. The Koreth used changes in skin color to help communicate basic emotions, red was displeasure, anger or in my case irritation.

It was then I noticed my friend, my equal in diplomatic circles enter from the wood framed door. I stood, followed by a wave. He nodded and made his way over. The reverse angled legs of Koreth gave them a different pace from humans, his old age gave him a slightly different pace from other Koreth. His cloths were regular, unassuming. His look casual, he, Vorathan, gave nothing out of the ordinary for others to notice. I smiled and nodded before we both sat down.

He was always just a little late for our meetings. I used to think he did it to gain some type of advantage but after 12 years I think it was just his way.

"Family?" Vorathan asked, his bat like ears leaning forward as he gave me a solid look before observing the list of food choices, he probably knew by heart. This was his favorite small restaurant in the whole capital. Good food, no excitement, a place to be seen but not noticed.

"Good, my oldest starts flight school next month. My youngest, well she is still passing her lesson plans. My wife is still happy, so I am to." I responded.

"So, my old friend, what's the urgency, not like you. Is the unrest causing more of a stir than I know?" It wasn't normal to skip small talk and get to the point, but his message seemed to justify it. I for one knew I wouldn't be able to enjoy my lunch not knowing so I broke with normal diplomatic unwritten rules.

"Getting impatient in your old age or we are just too good of friends now? My boss has decided to accept your governments offer, with conditions." Vorathan replied with an emotionless stare into my eyes. I had to take a moment to observe his unexpected directness before replying.

"Really? Why now, after all the years?" I had to wonder out loud.

"The continued increase in tension between our peoples on all four of the boarder systems is part of it. There are other reasons I cannot say. I can tell you it is in the best interest of both sides. He wants to keep his people, his family safe. A new opportunity for cooperation could help with this he thinks. The governor assumes your people are still interested?" Vorathan finished, glancing down at the food list.

"Interested. Yes, there are several corporations very interested in securing trade rights in Imperium space, on any level, even a small one...….to start with. The military and politicians will be mixed but give into private pressure as usual. How does your bosses boss feel about this?" I asked, leaning forward across the small table.

"My bosses’ boss does not know, and you already knew that. You have been a diplomate to the Imperium long enough to know what the Emperor and his advisory councils’ policy and our traditions say about such things." He answered with a slight change in tone, leaning forward as well.

"A small number of civilian mining and refining ships only, some remote location, no military I assume?" I asked to confirm what I already knew. It all made much more sense now. For a provincial governor to take actions he has sworn not to and without the Emperors blessing is no small act nor is the consequences. I had no idea today was to be so historical in nature. Commonwealth ships in Imperium home territory on unofficial, official business.

"Yes and no. Here is the official unofficial offer to make it official." He replied as he slides a small info chip across the table to my hand.

"Do us all the convince of seeing it delivered quickly and don't lose it, I don't have a copy." Vorathan said in an attempt at human humor and to lighten an otherwise very serious discussion disguised as small talk.

"Is this really going to happen? I feel like I am holding just the first of many domino's and haven't a clue where the last one will land." I commented as the waiter decided he needed to return to the table.

"Change is constant and needed, even within the Imperium. Your Commonwealth, your species, you humans seem to thrive on change in all its forms. I think we may put that to the test in the coming times. Now not to ruin lunch let me tell you of my family while we eat my favorite choices." Vorathan responded. His voice was casual, but his skin was black in spots. Concern, black meant deep concern.



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